BCPMA Component Meeting (1/18/23) Sponsored by Palm Vascular Center
BCPMA Component Meeting (12/7/22) Sponsored by Treace Medical Concepts
NSU Pre-Podiatry Society Meeting (11/11/22) Presented by Dr. Dhavel Chauhan (PGY-2, Westside)
St. Thomas Aquinas Pre-Med Society (11/7/22) Presented by Dr. Anita Misra (PGY-2, Memorial)
2022 ADA Step Out South Florida (9/24/22) Huizenga Plaza, Ft. Lauderdale
BCPMA Component Meeting (9/22/22) Sponsored by FL Endovascular at Seasons 52, Sunrise
FPMA Meet the Candidates Forum at The APMA National (7/29 - 7/30/22)
Click HERE to access the FPPC Primary Endorsed Candidates document
BCPMA Component Meeting (6/7/22) Sponsored by Bako Diagnostic at Morton's Steakhouse, Ft. Lauderdale
Click HERE to access Bako Diagnostic PowerPoint Presentation Slides
BCPMA Component Meeting (4/27/22) Sponsored by Advanced Orthopaedics/Around & About, Inc.
Favela Miami Group Let's End Homelessness Event - All Souls' Episcopal Church w/BUSPM Students & Faculty (4/2/22) BCPMA donated shoes & socks
ADA Tour de Cure (3/27/22) Team FPMA
Foot Washing Event - First United Methodist Church of Miami w/BUSPM Students & Faculty (3/26/22) BCPMA collected shoes & socks, donated $500
NSU Pre-Podiatry Society Meeting (3/22/22) Presented by Dr. Lauren Dabakaroff
BCPMA Component Meeting (3/1/22) Sponsored by EBM Medical
BCPMA Component Meeting (12/7/21) Sponsored by Horizon
BCPMA Component Meeting (11/11/21) Sponsored by South Florida Vascular Associates
ADA Virtual Step Out Florida Walk (10/16/21)
BCPMA Webinar: What's Next in Practice Life (9/29/21) Presented by Mike Crosby, President, Provider Resources https://www.providerresourcesllc.com
Nova Southeastern University Pre-Podiatry Society Meeting (9/28/21)
BCPMA Webinar: HHS Provider Relief Fund Reporting (9/1/21) Presented by Cindy Pezza, PMAC https://pinnaclepa.com
Nova Southeastern University SHARKAPALOOZA (8/27/21)
Sharkapalooza was an absolute hit, and we now have a whopping 42 members in Pre-Podiatry Society at NSU. Tabling there was so amazing. We met so many great college students who are just beginning their careers at Nova, some of whom have been there for awhile. So many awesome conversations were had. We were actually situated right between the Pre-Medical Society and Pre-Optometry, which are big names on campus, so a lot of people who were interested in medicine were drawn (or pulled, haha) to us. We got to know them, asked them why they were interested in medicine, and what their goals were in "helping people". When I asked, “Have you ever heard of podiatry or do you know what podiatrists do?", they originally responded with "I don't think I want to be a foot doctor" or "no, not feet", but when I explained some of my own personal journey to podiatry and the breadth of opportunities podiatrists have in practice, their eyes lit up and they were engaged, started asking questions, got excited, and discovered something new! Seriously, these were some of the best conversations I've ever had and all of my board members truly felt like educators. I relayed everything I've learned from you, other DPMs, and in my research. Anyway, it was great.
NSU students: Adrianna Brewton (L), President, and Omar El-Gazzaz (R), Secretary, Pre-Podiatry Society, NSU Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Not shown: Agustin Olivares and Jordan Zephir
BCPMA Virtual Component Meeting (5/11/21) Sponsored by AROA Biosurgery
BCPMA Presentation: Flanagan High School (5/11/21) Presented by Dr. Shabana Ali (PGY-1, Memorial Hospital)